Emergency, family in need

Please pray for twin brothers, Gordian and Titus, who were living just a few blocks from us. Their house burned down on Jan 11 due to a freak accident involving a stovetop. The fire destroyed everything inside the house.

Gordian said, “I was alone in the house and I heard the smoke detector and the house was already engulfed. I had about two minutes, it happened so fast.”

Thankfully he survived without injuries and was able to rescue their dog though not their cat.

The fire started quickly and he came out of the house without even shoes on his feet. When they went to a hotel later they didn’t have anything to bring with them.

They need many supplies because their insurance will cover the repairs to the house but will not be covering anything inside the house. Since the fire they have been able to get essentials like toiletries but they have been living at a hotel which is getting expensive.

Repairs will be starting soon but there are some things that can’t be replaced. They’ve been in this house since 1996 and grew up there. These brothers have had a hard time in the last few years having lost both their mother, father (who was a minister), and brother in the last two years. Because of the fire they lost old photos of their parents and all their mementoes.

“I think God’s got a plan. I don't think he put more on us than we can't handle. One day at a time” Gordian said.

They would appreciate prayers and words of encouragement during this difficult time. 

Ways you can help

Donate Emergency Funds - We are collecting a fund to help our neighbors during this difficult time to help cover emergency supplies, and assist with the cost of housing while their house is repaired over the coming weeks.

Pray for them - Please pray for this family as they process the loss of their home and everything they owned. Please also pray for their provision while their house is repaired.

We cannot imagine losing everything in an instant, but we live here, in Chester, to share Hope, Truth and Love by living through the same challenges as our neighbors.  So if there is anyone in great need, we can come alongside and share that God sees their challenges and has provided relief.  This is the type of community we as the Church want to live in and leave the next generation. We help people grow in difficult places because of God and you!  

Thank you for praying and helping!