The kingdom of God thrives when ministries thrive

The Vision God called us to in Chester

When God called us to Chester we never planned to get a “big” building, we wanted to be small in multiple locations. We are a Church but our specific calling is a bit different than a typical Church. Here is why - we’re the Church for the streets and we want to serve those who live a few blocks radius from our houses. 

Yes we meet on Sundays at 11:00am for praise, prayer, fellowship and Bible Teaching. But our impact goes deeper than a building. We impact the kingdom of God by building relationships with every person in our community. Most of those meetings happen by sitting on our front porch, or sharing a meal or at one of our outreach events. We are called to be accessible to people who need God and need someone to talk to. 

Our Church is centered on following Jesus together in a family-like atmosphere to make disciples and grow God’s kingdom in Chester. Our discipleship groups offer deeper connections to address life struggles with personal prayer, accountability, and doing life together. 

People always ask what Greenhouse Project is, and our answer is always the same, urban missional Church for the streets. We help people grow in difficult places. 

Worship & Fellowship

Worship is an essential part of who God made us to be. We were designed to worship our creator. We were also designed for fellowship - with God Himself, and with others. This is why we meet on Sundays to worship and minster to the Lord, to edify the body and to go reach the lost. 

It can be so easy for long-time Christians of the Church to go to Sunday services out of habit or because it is something scheduled on our calendars. And at many churches after the benediction happens people get up and leave without talking to one another. 

Why is this a problem?

Because it might mean that these people who are coming to churches are not being involved in fellowship with one another. Of course there are varying circumstances but I’m talking about when people are not prioritizing actually getting to know one another and praying for one another.

We want to be a church that creates close bonds and opportunities to get to know the people who are literally on our block. We are focused on going deeper in discipleship than gathering mass amounts of people. We are living in the community to build authentic relationships as we get really involved in each other’s lives. We really believe in the discipleship process. In a small church, you can’t hide. People are going to get to know you!

What does Sunday Worship at Greenhouse look like?

Joyful singing, authentic interactions with others, and hearing the word of God preached unashamed. We have outreach in our neighborhoods, baptisms, and communion. 

Katie Madonna, a regular attender since 2022, says “we love the teaching and fellowship at Greenhouse. We love the neighborhood and what God is doing through the ministry. We see fruit! We are the fruit.”

While we love being small we are growing - praise God!

Our building can only hold so many people so we are talking about adding another service so we can have two Sunday worship services, or possibly adding another worship service at a different location.

This being said we’d need more leaders to make this happen. We trust God that where He leads and guides us He will provide!

The Universal Church

While God called us to be in Chester as a small local body we are SO thankful for the universal Church. Believers everywhere are part of the Body of Christ. We are also incredibly blessed and thankful to have 17 churches in Delco and Philadelphia who partner with us.

We need the bigger churches! They are able to champion us being the local church and the people are living in the areas they serve to build those relationships with their immediate neighbors and model it with their love.

Without the partnerships from the churches and the generous donations from individuals, we would not be able to offer our services to Chester. It is because of the Church at large and God using YOU through us that we can offer so many things FREE of charge to our neighbors like addiction counseling, food outreach, homework club help for students and more.

The kingdom of God thrives when ministries thrive. When we get to champion others, everyone wins.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for blessing us so that we can bless others. We hope you come and visit!!